Board Minutes
Board Minutes
Greenup Township Library Board minutes
December 15, 2018
- The Greenup Township Library Board met in regular session at 4:00 pm with the meeting called to order by President Beverly Kuhn. Other trustees present were: Becky White, Connie Brown, Rosie Chancellor, Sid Stone, Treasurer Dan Carr, and Secretary Bob Blade. Library Director Deb Sherrick was also present.
- There was no public comment.
- Approval of the November minutes was moved by Chancellor, seconded by Brown, and passed.
- The Treasurer’s report was presented with all bills paid and no known outstanding invoices. Approval of the report was moved by Blade, seconded by White, and passed.
- The Directors report showed a circulation of 509 items and 66 patrons using computers. There was $54.75 additional income from fines, copies, and faxes. $340 was contributed to the Memorial Fund in memory of Pat Mitchell. The Per Capita Grant application has been submitted.
- Old Business
- There was discussion about the use of the Memorial Fund. The Board consensus was that it should be used for furniture rather than book purchases.
- The Board discussed investing funds not immediately needed for the day to day operation of the library. Carr moved that $50,000 be invested in a 24 month CD to earn 2.75% interest and $20,000 be invested in a 6 month CD for 2% interest. Those interest rates were better than the .2% being earned in the Money Market account. The motion was seconded by Blade, and passed.
- New Business
- Approval of the amended meeting dates was moved by Carr, seconded by Kuhn, and passed.
- Approval of the tax levy request of 104.9% of the 2017 levy was moved by Chancellor, seconded by White, and passed.
- The Board Secretary had to certify the statements of Economic Interests.
With no other business before the Board, adjournment was moved by Stone, seconded by Carr, and passed.