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Greenup Township Public Library

Board Minutes

Board Minutes

Greenup Township Library Board minutes

December 15, 2018


  1. The Greenup Township Library Board met in regular session at 4:00 pm with the meeting called to order by President Beverly Kuhn.  Other trustees present were:  Becky White, Connie Brown, Rosie Chancellor, Sid Stone, Treasurer Dan Carr, and Secretary Bob Blade.  Library Director Deb Sherrick was also present.
  2. There was no public comment.
  • Approval of the November minutes was moved by Chancellor, seconded by Brown, and passed.
  1. The Treasurer’s report was presented with all bills paid and no known outstanding invoices. Approval of the report was moved by Blade, seconded by White, and passed.
  2. The Directors report showed a circulation of 509 items and 66 patrons using computers. There was $54.75 additional income from fines, copies, and faxes.  $340 was contributed to the Memorial Fund in memory of Pat Mitchell.  The Per Capita Grant application has been submitted.
  3. Old Business
  4. There was discussion about the use of the Memorial Fund.  The Board consensus was that it should be used for furniture rather than book purchases.
  5. The Board discussed investing funds not immediately needed for the day to day operation of the library. Carr moved that $50,000 be invested in a 24 month CD to earn 2.75% interest and $20,000 be invested in a 6 month CD for 2% interest.  Those interest rates were better than the .2% being earned in the Money Market account.  The motion was seconded by Blade, and passed.
  • New Business
  1. Approval of the amended meeting dates was moved by Carr, seconded by Kuhn, and passed.
  2. Approval of the tax levy request of 104.9% of the 2017 levy was moved by Chancellor, seconded by White, and passed.
  3. The Board Secretary had to certify the statements of Economic Interests.



With no other business before the Board, adjournment was moved by Stone, seconded by Carr, and passed.