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Greenup Township Public Library

Magazines & Databases

Your library provides you with online access to complete articles from thousands of magazines and journals, and that's just the beginning. Also available are biographies, reports, pamphlets and additional reference materials. (You will need an authorization code and password to access these databases. Contact your local librarian.)


| General | Business | Health | Newspapers | Additional Topics |

General Collection:

ArticleFirst:  An OCLC index of articles, some full-text, from the contents pages of journals and magazines.  For most journls, ArticleFirst provides a list of libraries that have the journal title. 

Ebooks:  An OCLC online catalog of over 295,000 electronic books available through libraries worldwide.  Contains all the online electronic books cataloged by OCLC member libraries. 

ECO (Electronic Collections Online):  An OCLC collection of scholarly journals, some full-text, which includes all of the original content and images of articles.  Topics covered include:  agriculture, library science, anthropology, literature, business, medicine, economics, philosophy, education, political science, fine arts, psychology, geography, religion, history, science, language, social science, law, and technology. 

Illinois Catalog:  An online catalog containing millions of bibliographic records cataloged by Illinois OCLC member libraries.  Materials cataloged include:  books, manuscripts, websites and internet resources, maps, computer programs, musical scores, films and slides, newspapers, journals and magazines, sound recordings, articles, chapters, papers, and videotapes held by Illinois libraries. 

PerAbs:  A database of periodical abstracts from general and academic journals, including many full-text articles.  Each record includes a bibliographic citation and a concise abstract.  This database also contains records for transcripts of significant segments of more than 80 news and lifestyle TV and radio programs.  Subjects covered include:  business, economics, literature, psychology, religion, and women's studies.

WilsonSelectPlus:  Contains full-text articles in the sciences, humanities, education, and business.  It provides indexed and abstracted records with accompanying full-text articles, many of which are linked to citations in other FirstSearch databases.  Includes U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines.  Subjects include:  accounting, health care, advertising, human resources, art, insurange, auditing, international trade, banking, international trends, broadcasting, investment analysis, computers, management, economics, marketing, education, planning and strategy, engineering, public administration, environment, real estate, finance, taxation, foreign investment, telecommunications, transportation, and science. 

WorldAlmanac:  Includes Funk & Wagnall's New Encylopedia, the World Almanac and Book of Facts, the World Almanac of the U.S.A., the World Almanac of U.S. Politics, and the World Almanac for Kids. 

WorldCat:  An OCLC catalog containing millions of bibliographic records about books and other materials in libraries worldwide. 


ABI Inform:  Includes articles (some full-text) on business and management in the U.S. and internationally.  Topics include:  accounting, insurange, advertising, international trade, auditing, international trends, banking, investment analysis, broadcasting, management, computers, marketing, economics, planning and strategy, engineering, public administration, finance, real estate, foreign investment, taxation, health care, telecommunications, human resources, and transportation. 


MEDLINE:  A database (with some full-text) covering all areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing.  MEDLINE corresponds to the print indexes Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing Index.  It includes thousands of records with substantial abstracts.  Subjects include:  clinical medicine, nutrition, dentistry, pathology, education, psychiatry, experimental medicine, toxicology, health services administration, veterinary medicine, and nursing. 


Other Specialized Databases:

ClasePeriodica:  CLASE indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities, while PERIODICA covers journals specializing in science and technology.  This database contains information from articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, interviews, and brief notes published in journals edited in 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from publications focusing on Pan-American issues. 

ERIC:  A collection of journal articles and reports in education, with some full-text.  It contains annotated references to non-journal material issued in the monthly Resources in Education (RIE) and the journal articles issued in the monthly Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE). 

GPO:  U.S. federal government publications, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).  Includes a bibliographic citation in each record. 

PapersFirst:  An OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide.  Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop, and meeting received by the British Library Document Supply Centre. 

Proceedings:  An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings.  Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop, and meeting received by the British Library Document Supply Centre.  

WorldCatDissertations:  A database of all dissertations and theses available in WorldCat.